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Is A Tummy Tuck Right For Me?

Maybe you have wondered if a tummy tuck is right for you. Do you seem to have excess abdominal weight, and nothing you do helps? No amount of exercise or dieting will strengthen those sagging abdominal muscles. If this sounds like you, and you are dreaming about a taut, trimmer tummy (and who doesn’t), keep reading and find out if you might benefit from a tummy tuck.

Best Candidates For A Tummy Tuck

Women who no longer have tightened abdominal muscles due to pregnancy, having lost a lot of weight, or from just getting older could be good candidates for a tummy tuck.

Also known as an abdominoplasty, certain essentials are needed to be a candidate for this procedure. They include the following:

Woman's belly before and after plastic surgery on gray background

  • You must be in good overall health
  • You must be at a stable weight
  • You must be willing to stop smoking for several weeks before and after the procedure or preferably be a non-smoker
  • Have weakened stomach muscles and excess skin in the abdominal area
  • Have reasonable expectations

If you are still planning to have children, you might want to wait until your family is complete before having the surgery. The same is true if you are losing a lot of weight at the moment.

If you are obese, you are NOT a good candidate.

The surgery will leave you with a prominent scar from hip bone to hip bone, but it can be hidden under most clothes including a bathing suit.

Other Pre-Requisites For A Tummy Tuck

So far, so good? Let’s continue with a few more important factors before having a tummy tuck.

You should be in a position to rest and recover for at least 2 weeks after surgery, and then you can resume non-strenuous work. No excess strain is permitted in the abdominal area for a minimum of 6 weeks.

Men can benefit from an abdominoplasty too if they have stubborn areas of fat and loose skin.

Ask Dr. Wendy Gottlieb about liposuction as a complement to a tummy tuck which may enhance your results.

Is A Tummy Tuck Right For YOU?

If you want to smooth and firm your lower stomach and abdomen, sculpt your waistline, and even reduce the appearance of stretch marks, a tummy tuck could be right for you.

Each person is unique so it’s important to find out about your candidacy through a consultation.

Contact Dr. Wendy Gottlieb at (703) 668-9499, or request an appointment online, if you are ready to find out about a tummy tuck. Schedule your consultation today.