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Getting Your Best Summer Body Through Plastic Surgery

With summer having officially begun, many men and women still feel insecure about showing off their bodies. Whether it is to eliminate unwanted fat or to trim away excess skin, it is very common for people to undergo cosmetic surgery so they can enjoy some fun in the sun with confidence. Liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, and breast augmentations are some of the most popular procedures

Woman laying by pool

When to Consider Surgery

It is ideal to undergo plastic surgery before the summer season, so there is enough time to heal and recover. Most surgeries that involve extensive treatment require lengthy recovery periods lasting anywhere from two weeks to two months. Although you may start to feel like your usual self following your procedure, your results might not be visible. This is due to residual swelling and bruising that can often linger after the initial stages of your recovery period.

While swelling and bruising are normal and will typically resolve within a few weeks, having to recover in the middle of summer may not be the best time to show off your newly contoured physique. Everyone heals differently, so planning all aspects of your surgery is the most practical approach to enjoying your desired results in time for the summer.


Patients looking to have a toned and fit bikini-ready body may want to consider undergoing liposuction. Liposuction can help eliminate stubborn fat deposits that do not seem to want to disappear, no matter how much diet and exercise you attempt. It is designed to sculpt the figure by eliminating localized pockets of fat in the following areas.

  • Arms
  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, can transform the core of your body by removing excess skin that has resulted from weight loss, pregnancy, or the natural course of aging and correcting muscle laxity. Tummy tuck surgery can be performed in conjunction with liposuction to remove fat deposits for a slimmer and more toned physique that will make you feel confident about your body during the summertime.

Breast Augmentation/Breast Lift

Breast augmentation is about more than boosting size or looking fantastic in a bathing suit. It’s about feeling confident in your own skin – being able to wear what you want and feel good about the way you look. Breast augmentation can give you the shape you’ve always wanted or restore the volume lost because of pregnancy and breastfeeding. For many women, it’s a way to feel more confident about breast size, shape, or fullness.

Breasts may lose elasticity and sag over time because of age, pregnancy, and weight changes. Breast lift, or mastopexy, is surgery to lift, reshape and tighten them. It can also improve asymmetry and other imperfections. A breast lift can be combined with breast augmentation or reduction.