
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States. It’s a minimally invasive surgery that offers an incredible way to get rid of stubborn fat deposits that aren’t responding to diet and exercise in many parts of the body including the abdomen, thighs, arms, neck, hips, waist, back, chest, chin, calves, and ankles. These areas may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness.

Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving body contours and proportion, and ultimately, enhancing your self-image. Liposuction is about shaping the body, not about weight loss.

Liposuction, Abdomen

(Before and After)

Liposuction, Hips

(Before and After)

Liposuction, Outer Thighs

(Before and After)

Best Candidates for Liposuction

Patients who are bothered by excess fat deposits – located anywhere on the body – that don’t respond to diet or exercise may benefit from liposuction. In general, patients should meet the following criteria:

  • Adults within 20-30% of their ideal weight who have good skin elasticity and muscle tone
  • People with stubborn areas of fat and who exercise regularly and eat healthily are the best candidates for this procedure
  • Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and specific, realistic goals in mind for body contouring.
  • Non-smokers (smoking will affect the healing process)

In some cases, liposuction can be performed to counteract gynecomastia in men.

Liposuction Procedure

The liposuction procedure can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on several factors that will be discussed at the time of the consultation. Dr. Gottlieb will begin the procedure by making small incisions around the surgical site. Through these discreet incisions, she will be able to introduce the cannula, tumescent solution, or ultrasound device. Then, she will suction out the fat deposits in the area. Once she is done she will close the incision with sutures.

This is an outpatient procedure, which means that the patient will be able to return home the same day. You will need to plan for somebody else to drive them home following the procedure.

The Recovery Process

When the procedure is finished, patients will be bandaged and wrapped in a compression garment. Compression garments are typically worn for 2-3 weeks 24 hours a day and then at night only for the following 2-3 weeks to help reduce post-operative swelling and to improve results.

During the first 48 hours following surgery, patients experience varying degrees of swelling. Bruising typically disappears within seven to ten days. Swelling may persist for several months after surgery. Patients may experience some post-operative discomfort, which can be controlled with over-the-counter medication or a prescription provided by Dr. Gottlieb.

Patients should be able to return to work within a few days to two weeks. Light exercise can usually begin 2 weeks after surgery.

Schedule a Consultation Today!

For more information about liposuction, or to schedule an appointment, please contact Dr. Wendy Gottlieb today by calling our office at (703) 668-9499.