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Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Botox

You might have heard the question “do you ever think about getting botox?” After you’ve had time to immediately say “absolutely not” and mull it over a bit, there’s a chance that you’ve got a completely different answer now: maybe.

So, what should you know about Botox before taking the leap?

There are thousands of people like you who are considering getting Botox, but never end up getting answers to their many questions about the cosmetic product. Let’s see if we can give you some clear answers to your questions about Botox.

How Much Downtime Is Needed After a Botox Cosmetic Procedure?

There is virtually no downtime after injections of Botox®️ Cosmetic. You can have it done during your lunch hour and go back to work immediately. The only exceptions are that you should not exercise or lie down for several hours after having Botox.  In both cases these activities can activate the muscles and cause Botox to move to nearby muscles.

lady having botox injecting procedure

Do Botox Injections Hurt?

Most people will feel a tiny pinch. If you are sensitive, Dr. Wendy Gottlieb can use some ice to numb the area, or apply numbing cream before beginning. You may have some minor irritation afterwards.

Is Botox Safe?

Yes, as long as you go to a licensed and experienced certified injector. Ever seen the horrific photos of botox parties gone wrong? That’s what can happen if you aren’t absolutely sure about the source of your product.

What Does It Do?

Botox is a neurotoxin that relaxes muscles to smooth out lines and wrinkles. When injected, Botox temporarily improves the look of moderate to severe crow’s feet, frown lines, and lines between the eyebrows.

How Long Does Botox Last?

Typically the effects of Botox will last 3 to 4 months. You won’t see the effects immediately and it normally takes a few weeks to see the final result. After 4 months, more injections will be needed to maintain the effects. If you are planning a special event, be sure to allow enough time to see the full effects.

What Is the Best Age to Start Getting Botox?

There is no set age to begin having Botox. It all depends on genetics, how much sun exposure you have had in your life, and your skincare regimen.  These things are primary determinants of when lines will begin to appear on your face. When you are young, lines may only show up when you move your face, like smiling. As you age, these lines can become permanent, but fortunately, Botox can help to prevent them from becoming established.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Botox?

Anyone with moderate to severe wrinkles and lines in the areas that Botox treats is a good candidate. In addition, you should also be generally healthy to limit any potential complications after receiving Botox injections. If you have lines and wrinkles while being expressionless, you are most likely a good candidate. Dr. Wendy Gottlieb will be able to give you recommendations on how this product, or others, may be best suited for you.

What Are the Common Side Effects?

There may be some minor irritation, swelling or bruising at the injection site, but they subside quickly, and most are minor. Sometimes there are cases of muscle weakness, a droopy brow, headache, or bruising.

During clinical studies, 3% of patients experienced eyelid drooping in the frown lines, 1% experienced eyelid swelling in the crows feet, and 1% experienced brow drooping in the forehead lines.

It is important to read all the safety information about this product, and to talk with Dr. Wendy Gottlieb about any of your concerns.

Are There Other Uses for Botox?

Yes, besides its cosmetic use, the FDA has approved Botox for therapeutic uses to address migraine headaches, excessive underarm sweating, and an overactive bladder.

Visit Dr. Wendy Gottlieb to smooth away wrinkles and lines and look younger with Botox.

As always, if you have any further questions, please contact our office, at (703) 668-9499 or request an appointment online!